Friday, May 16, 2008

U of M Rowing

There never seems to be enough days in the week, hours in the last day or pounds in a checked bag leading up to a major trip. Tomorrow I join an all-star underwater crew in Nassau, Bahamas. Pete Zuccarini is the underwater DP on a Bollywood remake of Into the Blue, titled simply Blue. (Sounds like a condo development on Miami Beach.)

Before I change my phone message and get on the plane, I wanted to post a couple of shots taken in the last couple of months with the University of Miami Women's Rowing Team. I was lucky to meet coach Robbie Tenenbaum during a slow period in my schedule way back in January. Robbie welcomed me onto the chase boat with enthusiasm, and was happy to put me into any kind of close proximity as I searched for new ways to capture this incredible sport. I found over the months that I worked with these athletes that there are a couple of different types of perfection that go into a successful rowing image. The easy part is the syncronicity of 8 people working as one. Then there is the decisive moment decision of where to freeze the blades. And finally, what I search for in all images, some sort of perfection in the water.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Gulf Coast Half Ironman

Lara and I spent the last half of last week in Panama City, Florida. Lara competed in the Gulf Coast Half Ironman Triathlon on Saturday morning . Of course, my official role during these four days was to provide support and the occasional spousal-reality check, but I took enough photo gear to make me think I was on assignment. And speaking as a photographer, I loved the big waves pounding onto the beach at the start of the swim. The scale of green water to swimmer was, at times, impressive. However, as group after colored-capped group ran into the water, and then paused to think about the next 1.2 miles, it was obvious that quite a few athletes were not prepared for the swell.