My gallery show at the
Biscayne Nature Center opened on Saturday afternoon. It was a great turn out and I'd like to thank everyone who braved some truly incredible Miami traffic to see the photos. Lara and I were talking that morning about what a nice community feel Key Biscayne has, and when you narrow that community down to a group of water people, the Nature Center is an great place for everybody to gather. Many thanks to Theo Long and her staff for all the help in the lead up to the show. Many more thanks to Deblois for the music.
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I thought that the show looked really good. Lara's Eye continues to be the image that raises the most questions. And for some reason many people want to know how much Photoshop is involved in the prints. I think it might be a default question that starts a question about the process and ideas behind the images. And I also like to think that the question has a lot to do with making sure that photos like these are still swimming around.