I always struggle with deciding what exactly is worth committing to the pages of this blog and it keeps my number of posts low. I guess it comes from reading other blogs and thinking either "why is this worth posting"", or "wow, that's great!". My life has been a little closer to "why" than "wow" lately, and the result is six weeks of no blog. Apologies.
It's not like I haven't been working. Early August I was in San Francisco for two weeks on my second Bollywood film of the summer. And before and after that project, I spent lots of time on the computer consulting on and designing new promo material. The Bollywood shots in no way fit a blog on underwater photography, and the promo stuff is probably best left until I have something to show. But that will be soon.
In the mean time, to end the blog dry spell, here is a recent photo. More of a snap shot than a finished idea, but then again, yesterday was more of a gear test than a shoot. I finally pulled the trigger on a housing for my Canon 1DsMK3 and yesterday was the first time it was underwater. While Lara swam her workout (and out-swam me), I ran the housing through it's paces. Along the way I learned why it is best to first submerge with no camera in the housing (no water inside, but a good eyepiece lesson was learned.) Even before I shot it underwater, this new camera made my MK2 seem old. But in the new housing, it made me really wish that my system consisted of only MK3 cameras. Only a few thousand Euros stand in my way!