There came a point on Day 2 of the production ... sometime after the wind went quiet on Mauna Kea, and the clouds completely rolled over Parker Ranch, and the production reached a generally low point ... there came a point when one of the clients pointed out that
Bob Gordon's company motto is "Making the impossible, possible". Yes, it was more a comment on how impossible the idea of ever completing the commercial seemed at that point. But at the same time it was probably obvious to everybody that the best way to overcome most impossible situations is a talented helicopter pilot. And in Hawaii we had two of them ... Craig Hosking and Don Evans. Plus
Akoni Kama, who's job it was to be literally dragged around by a helicopter. Who needs wind when you have a Hughes 500?

The fact of any film shoot is that mornings are early. We had back to back 4:15 am calls on this job. And it was a surreal experience to drive through the pitch black, with an impossible number of stars overhead, following small crew signs along the roadside. And when the sun came up, our location was revealed as something closer to the moon than the Hawaii I was expecting. Mauna Kea was one of the most dramatic and beautiful places that I have ever been.